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Active composting in winter
Compost, the dark, crumbly, earthy-smelling material produced by natural decomposers, provides many benefits to gardeners and non-gardeners alike. Converting garden waste, kitchen scraps and various

Things everyone can do to support rural economies
Efforts to revive small business sectors have helped countless communities regain their prosperity and sense of community pride. Those efforts have been wildly effective in

Planning a new garden bed
The middle of winter, with snow covering brick-hard, frozen ground may seem like an odd time to plan a new garden bed, but it’s the

USDA announces ‘I Protect Pigs’ Photo Contest
The African swine fever (ASF) “I Protect Pigs” photo contest is back and now accepting entries. Brought to you by USDA’s Animal & Plant Health

Chase away chills with a thick, filling stew
Slow cookers can be unsung kitchen heroes any time of the year, but particularly during the colder seasons. That’s because slow cookers take on one-pot

The basics of basement conversion projects
Space is a sought-after commodity in real estate. Buyers prioritize numerous variables when searching for a new home, and square footage is often near the

Make your dog a better leash-walker
Walking a dog on a leash is required by law in many towns. Leashing a dog prevents the animal from trespassing on neighbors’ property and

The perfect bite: Learning what spices pair best with meat cuts
Unless you’re a professional chef or a provider (parent, grandparent or dedicated aunt or uncle) who has been cooking for decades, you probably are not

Learning history via the roads less traveled
“But there’s nothing to doooo,” your teen complains for what seems like the one millionth time. It’s that time of year again: The holidays are

Growing citrus trees as houseplants
Imagine having sunny orange, bright yellow and luscious green fruit growing in your home, especially during this gray, cold time of year. While we do
Recent Posts:

Winter Salt Awareness Week addresses a forever pollutant
Salt prematurely ages roads and bridges and degrades freshwater lakes,

Preparing for tax season
It’s hard to believe, but it’s nearing that time of

Around the Kitchen Table: A ‘little room’
It was bigger than a closet, but not much. Added
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