Every year, Worship of Tools Day is celebrated on March 11. Often not very large, often held directly in your hands, tools are the key to a good life. Where would we be if we couldn’t create things by hammering nails into wood? How would we dig holes without shovels?
Think of all the things you own – in your home, your garage, your barn, even the trunk of your car – that make your life easier. They deserve an extra moment of appreciation once a year, right?
The following is from NationalToday, on the history of Worship of Tools Day:
We wonder who created this constructive holiday dedicated to the worshipping of tools. It most definitely has to be someone very passionate about their tool kit. In ancient times, humans were able to build tools as simple as knives from rocks. In fact, the screwdriver can be traced to the 1400s. However, with the advent of technology, there is a surge in the creation of modern tools that can almost do a job as good as a machine.
A tool is essentially a physical object used to fix or build a thing, and it’s hard to imagine a world without tools as part of our daily lives. Right from a hammer, screwdriver or wrench – these tools are essential. However, it is important to keep them clean and sharpened because, when frequently used, they can get blunt or rusted and may not be of any use. It is even important to have a good tool kit to keep the tools in place. Many times we even see construction workers carrying around tool kits on sites.
Many tool enthusiasts know a good tool when they see one and have their preferred brand or style. Tool lovers end up having an extensive collection of tools, and it’s almost like a hobby. There is even a code in tool borrowing and loaning as they often don’t get returned. This phenomenon has been picked up by many sitcoms and shown humorously from time to time.
With the ever-growing need for tools in our home, it’s only right that there is a day dedicated to worshipping these objects that play a significant role in our lives.
Not sure what tools you need? Don’t worry; Popular Mechanics has you covered with “How to Assemble the Perfect Toolbox.” Pay a visit to your local hardware store to stock up today.