“But there’s nothing to doooo,” your teen complains for what seems like the one millionth time.
It’s that time of year again: The holidays are behind us, the kiddos are back at school and though the days are getting longer, there is still a lot of ice and snow between us and flowers and spring sunshine. Whether you’re homeschooling and searching for field trip ideas or you’re just looking for a family day trip to break up the monotony and shake up your routine, there are lots of possibilities to offer. But where to start?
The tourism folks at ILoveNY have some great suggestions, but many could easily become more extended, expensive vacations, not just day trips. Fortunately, the Empire State has been a historical hotbed since its colonial days and New York is teeming with the perfect field trip destinations: museums.
The Museum Association of New York is a great resource, as their website contains an interactive map, allowing you to survey what historical societies and museums are located in your area.
Some are larger profile destinations, such as the trifecta of Cooperstown’s National Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum, the Fenimore Art Museum and the Farmers Museum. Some are smaller and less well-known (though still incredibly fascinating for any that love history), like the Fort Plain Museum or the Palatine Settlement Society.
These examples are just from the Mohawk Valley area. MANY’s map lists location zones for the Capital Region, Central and Western New York, the Finger Lakes, the North Country and more.
Searching local tourism groups or Chambers of Commerce can be helpful as well for recommendations. Visit Montgomery County (Editor’s note: Country Culture’s offices are located here) includes some great references for nearby “can’t miss” historical stops.
No matter what location you choose, the Empire State is rife with history and adventure awaits!
by Andy Haman