Salt prematurely ages roads and bridges and degrades freshwater lakes, streams and drinking water. Just a teaspoon of salt permanently pollutes five gallons of water.
Lake Champlain Sea Grant and University of Vermont (UVM) Extension are partnering with organizations across the country to elevate the conversations around winter salt pollution and reduction solutions during Winter Salt Week 2025 (, Jan. 27 – 31.
“We know that salting roads, parking lots, sidewalks and other surfaces during winter is impacting our waterways and the environment,” said Dr. Kristine Stepenuck, Lake Champlain Sea Grant. “To protect our freshwater for future generations, we need to act now to reduce our use of salt. Luckily, there are things each of us can do to help, whether an individual, a business owner or community leader. This week is about building awareness both of the issue and solutions.”
Lake Champlain Sea Grant and UVM Extension will host a free interactive webinar for business owners and managers in the Lake Champlain basin on Jan. 27 from noon – 1 p.m. Information will be shared on the impacts of salting on the environment and practical tips to reduce salt use on business properties while maintaining public safety.
Participants also will be asked to describe challenges they face in reducing use of salt and any needs, if addressed, which would enable them to reduce their use of salt. To register go to
In addition, for individuals interested in learning how salt impacts waterways and trying their hand at being a scientist, Lake Champlain Sea Grant and UVM Extension will host two learning tables on Jan. 28. The first will be held at the Aiken Center Solarium (81 Carrigan Dr., Burlington) from noon – 1 p.m.
The second will be at the Burlington Beer Company (180 Flynn Ave., Burlington) from 4 – 6 p.m. Educational flyers and stickers will be available to take home. There also will be an opportunity for people to sign a pledge to commit to reduce personal use of salt on outside surfaces during winter.
National Winter Salt Week will feature free, daily live streams from ecologists, public works staff and policymakers from across the U.S. on the environmental impact of rock salt and other chloride-based deicers, private industry successes, actions of municipalities and states and ways individuals can take action to reduce use of salt applied during winter months.
Livestreamed speakers will include Abby Hileman (Izaak Walton League of America), Jess Hua (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Cara Hardesty (Ohio Environmental Protection Agency), Ted Diers (New Hampshire Department of Environmental Protection), Bryan Gruidl (City of Bloomington, MN) and public works staff from across the country. Tune in weekdays at 1:30 p.m. from Jan. 27 – 30. Register at
Lake Champlain Sea Grant and UVM Extension are allies of the Salt Wise Partnership. Lake Champlain Sea Grant develops and delivers science-based information to benefit the environment and economies of the Lake Champlain basin.