Tag: pets
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Help keep your animals safe this Labor Day holiday
As Americans prepare to celebrate the last days of summer this Labor Day holiday, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) would like

Pet care in the cold
If your big fluffy dog is anything like my big fluffy dog, they love bounding outside into freshly fallen snow and catching snowballs that are

Making safe outdoor spaces for pets
With the nice weather approaching us, not only do we humans want to be outside more but so do our pets.

Grab that leash and lace up
Without getting too deep, we may have missed out on a lot of things over the past two years, but one thing we definitely

Celebrate Love Your Pet Day
Love Your Pet Day is Feb. 20, and while it seems like an easy enough thing to do, there are good, healthy ways to show

National Cook For Your Pets Day
I have five dogs that are my world. They range in age from 13 years old to six months old.
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Active composting in winter
Compost, the dark, crumbly, earthy-smelling material produced by natural decomposers,

Things everyone can do to support rural economies
Efforts to revive small business sectors have helped countless communities

Planning a new garden bed
The middle of winter, with snow covering brick-hard, frozen ground
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