(StatePoint) Even a short vacation from school can cause learning loss and leave kids feeling behind when they return to the classroom. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep minds active during the holiday break, some of which will reinforce the concepts they are learning in school. Here are a few of them:
- Vacation Reading – Whether you’re traveling for the holidays or sticking close to home, curling up with a book is a great way to spend some of the inevitable down time. At the start of the break, hit up the library so everyone in the family will have plenty to read on subjects of interest to them. You might also consider giving at least one title to each gift recipient on your list this year to emphasize the idea that books can be treasured objects.
- Online Math Tools – Casio’s suite of engaging education resources can help ensure students keep up their skills during the holidays. Those with the fx-9750GIII graphing calculator or (other easy-to-use models with hundreds of functions) will find plenty to challenge them when they check out Casio’s expansive resource library of activities, Python programs and more, all of which are available for free online. From calculating slopes and finding derivatives to evaluating inferences and predications based on data, the resource includes exercises for every area of mathematical focus, including calculus, geometry and statistics.
- Historical Day Trip – Take a day trip to a historic site to bring the past to life. Whether you visit a battlefield, the home of a notable figure or a historically preserved city center, your trip will provoke discussion and keep minds engaged. If taking a scheduled tour is not possible due to limited holiday hours, do a bit of research on the site beforehand to give your family more context about what they will be seeing. This will make the trip more enjoyable and engaging.
- Exercise – Staying active is not just good for physical health, it’s also good for the mind and soul. With no P.E. class on the schedule, however, kids may be missing out on their daily dose of exercise. Be sure to go on a walk or bike ride each day or get out in the yard for some touch football or frisbee. If the weather is frightful, visit a yoga studio or even stay home and do an exercise class on YouTube.
This holiday season, balancing educational and healthy activities with fun and relaxation can help ensure your students return to school focused, engaged and ready to start a brand new semester.
Featured photo: (c) Olga Yefimova / iStock via Getty Images Plus